занятия в обратном порядке

What is a flipped classroom?

The word "flipped" refers to the fact that the traditional tasks associated with "classwork" and "homework" have been reversed.

The traditional classroom tends to use class meetings for: lectures and other forms of data transmission; tests and other progress and competency evaluations; and group work. Correspondingly, the traditional model assigns homework in the form of exercises, writing assignments, reading, projects, reports, and other activities that can be conducted in an unsupervised setting.

"Flipping" or "flip teaching" occurs when major components of traditional classwork are done at home, and/or major components of traditional homework are done in class. The most significant "flip" is generally for the lectures and other forms of data transmission to be assigned as homework, and for tests and other progress and competency evaluations to be completed at home or online. Flipped classrooms often rely on pre-recorded or programmed instruction to accomplish the data transmission in the home setting.

Why should I flip my classroom?

One of the greatest benefits to flipping a classroom is the increased time it allows teachers to dedicate to individualized classroom instruction and meaningful interaction between students.

Since most traditional class preparations involve writing new lectures or reviewing old lecture notes, flipped classrooms that use a published curriculum reduce preparation time dramatically. Even when professors pre-program their own courses, their preparation time is greatly reduced in subsequent years.

Flip teaching can reduce the time spent grading, especially if computerized objective testing is used.

Since many lecture videos are currently available to the public, flipped classrooms provide increased opportunities to use lectures by a wide variety of experts.

Data transmission is generally just as effective — and often more effective — when done by video and/or pre-recorded programs. In a properly designed program, students can learn at their own pace, and can even pause or repeat portions of the lessons as needed. Moreover, data transmission isn't missed when students are absent.

Why should I use Thirdmill's in my flipped classroom?

Thirdmill curriculum is free.

Each multimedia lesson produced by Thirdmill is carefully scripted by our team of professors, writers and editors. Hundreds of man-hours are spent researching and writing the script for each lecture. This ensures that it is accurate and evangelical, and that it communicates clearly even to those who are unfamiliar with the subject matter. Upon completion, each script is reviewed by select members of our Faculty Board of Approval that are experts in the discipline covered by the lesson.

Each multimedia lesson is also painstakingly embellished with illustrations, animations, maps, charts, graphs, and other helpful visual aids. Hundreds of additional man-hours are dedicated to this stage of production.

Most multimedia lessons also include a wide variety of unscripted interviews with experts in Old Testament, New Testament, theology, practical theology and church history. These experts represent many different theological traditions, and add many insights beyond those provided by the scripted portions of the lesson.

Thirdmill curriculum is produced in multiple global languages that cover more than 60% of the world's population. All language versions contain the same scripted content, so that the curriculum is entirely consistent in all its forms. The curriculum has been accessed by every country recognized by the United Nations and it is utilized by countless seminaries, colleges, churches and other learning communities.

Curriculum delivery is fully scalable. It can be used in print, audio, or video. It is available via the internet, mobile apps, and other digital formats; and, in some parts of the world, via television and radio.

Courses are also available on the e-learning platform at myThirdmill.org, and are fully customizable for your specific implementations. The myThirdmill.org courses provide a structured learning environment with course objectives, lesson guides, automated quizzes and additional reading materials.

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